Killie Campbell Africana Library
Postal address: 220 Gladys Mazibuko Road
| Street address: 220 Gladys Mazibuko Road |
City: Durban Province: KwaZulu Natal Postal code: 4001 Country: South Africa
Phone: (031) 260 1720 Fax: (031) 209 1622
email: Internet:
The Killie Campbell Africana Library is well known for its comprehensive collection of books, manuscripts and photographs, covering a broad sweep of information about the south east African region and its population.
Some highlights of this collection are the Historic Photograph Holdings, a large section of which is accessible on the web, the James Stuart papers which record some 200 testimonies of oral history and tradition taken down by this early 20th century Natal civil servant.
Category: Museum Keywords: Literature
Ref ID: 38