Port Elizabeth Museum
Postal address: PO Box 13147
Port Elizabeth
| Street address: corner of La Roche Drive and Beach Road |
Area: Humewood City: Port Elizabeth Province: Eastern Cape Postal code: 6013 Country: South Africa
Phone: (041) 584 0650 Fax: 041 5862175
email: svanzyl@icon.co.za
The Port Elizabeth Museum, now part of Bayworld, is one of oldest museums in South Africa. It contains very interesting exhibits of both natural history as well as the cultural history of the region.
On display in dinosaur exhibit is a life-sized model of Port Elizabeth`s very own dinosaur - the Algoasaurus. The marine exhibit is has some very good displays, including the skeleton of a 15m Southern Right Whale, as well as displays on sharks and dolphins. There is also a Bird Hall that focuses on birds commonly found in the Algoa Bay region. The natural history section also has various exhibits on geology and archaeology.
Among the museum`s cultural history exhibits are displays of Xhosa beadwork, costumes, and the local history of the Eastern Cape.
The histoy of Port Elizabeth`s maritime history is well represented in the museum`s Maritime History hall, including sailing ships, a replica of the Dias Cross, bronze cannons, and other naval relics, some dating as far back as the 17th century.
(Source: www.wheretostay.co.za)
Category: Museum Keywords: Politics
Ref ID: 117